Option 4: Undergraduate Curriculum Mapping Online

Use this option if you:

  • Have completed writing program learning outcomes
  • Have sought and integrated feedback from faculty members on program learning outcomes
  • Want to develop Curriculum Maps for your undergraduate modules.

Note: If you are using these materials to support curriculum development or review, please let us know at curriculum@uwo.ca so our team can continue to track our impact.

Steps to undergraduate curriculum mapping online

Option 1 flow

1. Contact CTL Curriculum Team

Contact us <curriculum@uwo.ca> and let us know you would like help with curriculum mapping. We will connect you with one of our team members to be your key contact. Feel free to peruse our example curriculum map before you get in touch.

2. Finalize Program Learning Outcomes and Send to Curriculum Contact

Finalize your program learning outcomes and send them to your CTL curriculum team contact. The CTL team member will work with you to develop an efficient mapping approach that captures the variation in your modules while minimizing the amount of data entry required by your faculty members.

3. Curriculum Map Set Up

The CTL team member will set up the curriculum map with the outcomes included. The curriculum chair or an appointed staff member will add courses and assigned instructors to the Data Entry sheet. In most cases, there will be one editable Data Entry sheet (where instructors input their data), with multiple output maps (one for each module). These output maps are suitable for including in the self-study. Output maps include:

  • Progression of Learning maps (one per mapped module)
  • Summary of Assessments
  • Summary of Instructional Activities
  • Assessments and Instructional Activities by Year

The curriculum map is a collaborative document. Once set up, instructors can enter their own course data.

4. Invite Faculty Members to Map their Courses

The curriculum chair sends out a link to the collaborative curriculum map with detailed Curriculum Mapping Instructions and a deadline to relevant faculty members and instructors (see linked resources below). It is helpful if the chair or another faculty champion inputs their course data before the map gets sent to the wider group of instructors.

Include in your email:

Tip: During mapping, make copies of the In Progress map. Remember that everyone can edit your Excel Workbook, which means accidental edits can happen as well. We have not run into problems with this, but we have also been careful to ensure there is always a back up. We suggest periodically SAVING a copy of your Excel Workbook over the period during which faculty members are entering their data. You can do this by clicking "File> Save As> Download a Copy".

5. Complete and Share Maps

At the deadline, follow up with faculty whose course data are missing from the map. Once the maps are finished, adjust the map outputs to fit on a printed page or publish them to the web and include links to the web version in the self-study.

6. Using Curriculum Maps to Support the Self-Study and Continuous Curricular Improvement

Curriculum maps can be a great source of data for fostering discussions about the undergraduate curriculum. These conversations are important for continuous improvement and they can help you respond to key sections of the self study.

Consider hosting a zoom discussion, or assign groups to discuss and report back on observations about the curriculum map.

You can ask people to write responses to the self-study components directly, or use the prompting questions that we typically use at curriculum mapping retreats. Both sets of prompts are listed below.



If you would like to discuss this topic further, please contact a member of the CTL curriculum team.